We’re pleased to announce that Kim is one of the highlighted artists who will be featured this Saturday 28 August at the first ever Pop-Up Painting event in the West End! Come and find him and his easel at one of the locations around Mayfair.
Paint alongside professional artists in various locations across the West End: Grosvenor Square, Berkeley Square, Mount Street Gardens, Golden Square, Pearson Square (Fitzrovia Chapel) and New Bond Street.

We’ll have easels set up, materials for you to use, and the stunning squares and vistas of the West End to inspire you – all you need to do is come along from 11am — 4pm!
Exhibition from 4-6pm in Grosvenor Square.
This event is made possible with the kind support of Westminster City Council and @westminsterreveals
Participating artists:
@westminsterreveals @citywestminster @mayfair_ldn @theartofldn @mayfairartweekend
#westminsterreveals #popuppainting #insideout #letsdolondon #MayfairWellnessFestival #MakeitMayfair
#artist #art #pleinair #pleinairpainting #pleinairpainter #easel #painting #oilpainting #watercolourpainting
#westend #mayfair #london #berkeleysquare #goldensquare #mountstreetgardens #grosvenorsquare #newbondstreet #pearsonsquare #fitzroviachapel